Reflection Usrah Budi 3 (CCUB 3621)
As we know, our heart is one of the main part of the body, right?
If the heart is in a good state, we will feel good & if it is not, we will feel miserable, sad, depressed and dejected. So, how can we get a peaceful heart and mind?
Actually, there are some ayat from the Quran that tells about peaceful heart;
In surah Al-Fath verse 4, Allah tells us that, He is the one who sent down serenity upon the hearts of the believers so that they may increase even more in their faith"
In another surah, Allah said, "ألا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب" which means that "surely know that by remembering Allah it will make the heart peaces" (Ar-Ra'd: verse 28)
Covid-19 & student life is very challenging for us (especially the student) because we must cope with it in a flashlight. Life suddenly changes 180-360 degrees depends on someone. It also difficult for other people such as the worker, lecturer and businessmen. It teaches each of us to leave everything to Him and never forget that He is always with us. As He said in the Quran: "When they asked about Me, tell them that I close to them" (Al-Baqarah: verse 186). In the meantime, we also need to strive harder to get better result and success. But how to deal with the heart? The first thing to do is realized that there are none without Him knowing and desires. He knows each of Him servants' ability so that we able to pass the challenges. Just bear in mind that there are none Mukmin who miss the challenges. We need the challenges to be a better Mukin by making us remember Him all the time.
May we be better Mukmin better day by day. Aamiin Ya Allah Ya Wadud Ya Mujib 💓
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