Reflection from Usrah Budi 2 (CCUB 2621)

 Assalamualaikum w.b.t.,

Hye everyone 👋🏻

    It's the last task for me to write up the benefits or what do I get from the Usrah that I had recently joined in sem 2, 2019/2020.

    In my opinion, I think that compared to the other usrah budi that I has attend it is the most happening usrah. It is because of the leader @ naqibah and my usrahmates were filled with cheerful and positive people that always give good vibes in most of our usrah class. 

    When we heard about usrah, some of us may think or put it as a burden. But, in this usrah that lead by Sister Anis was really fun. She always talks to us nicely and considered us (anak usrah) as the student and she put our situations in her shoes. I remember the first usrah gathering or we called it usrah class, she talked about 'Talk to Allah'. To be honest, I never heard about it or maybe I forgot, I do not know but it is really interesting. And I had done doing the TTA for several times. When I do it, it is really comfortable and my heart is at peace. I do not know if you, the reader, have done it or not. But if you do the TTA you know that you have Him and He is always with you like He is the only one back up you when you are short in money, having difficulties or problems with your friends or family and even when you are walking alone. Try to talk to Him and know that He is always with you whenever, wherever and whoever you are with. 

    So, based on sister Anis's personalities, I really admire her and gladly that she is my naqibah in this tough semester. She always gives us tazkirah during class and because of her nice attitude that makes me feel like I have to be a better person


    But, I think that there are some improvements that need to take note which is everyone must open their cameras especially when the class because the students cannot get the real objectives and benefits as the online class. It is because, we can do anything that we want in the meantime. Besides, as all of us have flexible time, the usrah schedule needs to be adjusted as some of us have a different schedule when living with family. For me, my family and I are taking dinner during that time which is between 9 PM till 9:30 PM.

    Overall, based on my observation, it is best for us to cope with the surprising situation with various obstacles. May Allah protect us and our loving people from bad and grand us jannah for our strive to gain knowledge. Aaminn.

Thank you for lend your time to read my blog. Till we meet again in next post.😊😉 
